Jason Haugen is the founder and CEO of the Haugen RV Group. He has been an entrepreneur since the age of 18. Starting first in network marketing, where he built a team out of thousands of people, Jason enjoyed six years in the industry. Jason was a top leader and main speaker for his company. In 2019, Jason stepped away and went fully into the RV industry, founding the Haugen RV Group. Jason has been officially the CEO of Haugen RV Group since 2020 but has run the dealerships since 2018, with the first acquisition starting as a salesperson. From there, he took on the role of operations manager, then CEO.

He has taken the RV dealerships and run with them. Jason has a burning desire to create the best team in the RV industry. Jason is also a speaker and host of the Culture Camp podcast, where he interviews business owners, athletes, entrepreneurs, and more about their culture and how important culture is today. Jason has a passion for building great teams and wants to share that passion with as many people as he can.

Empowering Entrepreneurs

Despite his success, Jason remains grounded and focused on helping others succeed. He is passionate about using his experience and knowledge to empower others and make a positive impact on their lives. Through his speaking engagements, coaching sessions, and various other initiatives, Jason continues to inspire and motivate entrepreneurs and business owners to reach their full potential.

In summary, Jason Haugen is a successful entrepreneur, public speaker, and business coach with a passion for helping others succeed. His numerous awards and recognitions, as well as his unique approach to coaching and speaking, have established him as a leading figure in the business community. Through his various initiatives, Jason continues to make a positive impact on the lives of entrepreneurs and business owners across the country.